The World BioEconomy Forum 2021 features prestigious speakers, all representing different areas of expertise within the bioeconomy. The programme is based on four theme areas of the World BioEconomy Forum. The program will consist of presentations and high level panel discussions.

Aida Greenbury
Global Sustainability Advisor, Co-Founder, World BioEconomy Forum

Jukka Kantola
Founder and CEO, World BioEconomy Forum
Chair, World Bioeconomy Association

Teresa Presas
Co-founder, World BioEconomy Forum Board
Alison Mears
Director and Co Founder, Healthy Materials Lab, Parsons School of Design, The New School

Mark Rushton
Co-Founder, Advisory Board
Dr. Yu Yuan
Professor, Chinese Academy of Science

Dr Christian Patermann
“Father” of the European Bioeconomy, Co-founder, Honorary Chair of the Advisory Board

Mark Rudnicki, Ph.D.
Professor of Practice
Forest Biomaterials, Michigan Technological University
Celso Tacla
South America Area President, Valmet

Ludo Diels
Professor Emeritus, Antwerp University
Senior Advisor, World Bioeconomy Forum
Ana Yang
Executive Director at Hoffmann Centre, Chatham House

Marcello Brito
Secretary General, Brazilian Amazonian States Consortium
Gustavo Montezano
President of the Brazilian Development Bank BNDE
Dr. Carlos Nobre
Nobel Laureate, Climate Scientist
Valmir Ortega
Chief Executive Officer, Belterra Agroflorestas
Dr. Flora Ismail Tibazarwa
Programme Director, Southern Africa Innovation Support Programme
Dr. Julius Ecuru
Program Manager, BioInnovate Africa
Dr. Arturo Luna
Coordinator of the Colombia BIO Program at the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation
Zulay Poggi
Professor in Innovation, Universidad Central de Venezuela
Georg Buchholz
Program Manager, Forest and Climate Change Program (FORCLIME)
Roberto Werneck
Technical expert, Open Innovation, Braskem
Marisa Lameiras da Silva
Adviser to the Minister of Environment and Climate Action, Portugal
Dr. Gabriela Bianchi dos Santos
Researcher and lecturer at the Federal University of Western Pará (Ufopa), Co-founder of Mahá Bicosmetics
Ahmed Fahmi
Programme Specialist and Chief of Section, UNESCO
Roberto Waack
Chatham House Fellow, Member of the Board of Marfrig, Wise Plastics and Arapyau Institute
Hasso Von Pogrell
Managing Director, European Bioplastics
Dr. Janne Poranen
CEO of Spinnova
Dr. Joice Nunes Ferreira
Scientist at Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Beleém, Brazil
Hamilton Mourão
Vice President of Brazil
Dr. Sara Boettiger
Senior Vice President, Head of Global Public Affairs, Science & Sustainability, Bayer Crop Science Division
Cristiano Teixeira
Chief Executive Officer of Klabin
Alper Kiziltas
Technical Expert, Sustainability and Emerging Materials
Bibiana Rubini
R&D&I Executive Manager, Suzano
Vivian Camacho
General Director of the Health Ministry, Bolivia
Dr. Izabella Teixeira
Former Minister of Environment for Brazil
Dr. Robert Nasi
Director General, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
Grant Rosoman
Global Forests Solutions Senior Advisor from Greenpeace
Hannu Hämäläinen
Sales Director at Chempolis
Nelleke van der Puil
Vice President of Materials for LEGO Group
Dr. Lian Thomas
Scientist, University of Liverpool and the International Livestock Research Institute
Sven Walter
Senior Forestry Officer, Forestry Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Dr. Tatiana Schor
Executive Secretary at the Executive Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation
Joachim Schönbeck
Member of the Executive Board of ANDRITZ
Helder Barbalho
Governor of the state of Pará, Greetings from the World BioEconomy Forum 2021 host
Ignasi Rodríguez Galindo
Responsible for External Relations, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Government of Catalonia
Dr. Ricardo Abramovay
Professor of the Environment Program, University of São Paulo
Michael Nettersheim
Founding Partner, European Circular Bioeconomy Fund

Michael Carus
Founder and Managing Director